Night paintball, if you’ve never done it, is an awesome experience. Depending on where you play, there can be little to no light on the playing field, making it especially challenging to see your opponents. However, when you play night paintball, you’ll notice you come to rely more on your sense of hearing than anything else, though there is plenty of regular paintball gear you can use at night.
Some players mistakenly bring paintball accessories like glow sticks, or flashlights they leave on for more than a few seconds. These players might as well have targets and spotlights on them. The goal of night paintball, just like regular paintball, is to go unseen. On the other hand, it’s not a bad idea to bring a spotlight to use in case you’re in a pinch. For instance, if an opponent is approaching, you can shine the spotlight directly toward him or her, and then peel out while you wait for the opponent’s eyes to adjust to the dark again.
Should you want even more of an advantage over your night paintball opponents, get yourself some paintball accessories made for night play.For example, you might acquire paintball accessories, such as night vision goggles or night vision scopes. Even the smallest bit of light will shine bright with night vision goggles. Though the experience can feel odd at first, you’ll get used to it in no time and trust us, it’s pretty cool.
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